Plan Your Las Vegas Wedding
Las Vegas Wedding Planning Info & Resource Guide
How to Choose a Wedding Officiant in Las Vegas
You're eloping in Vegas! Now it's time to secure a wedding officiant. A wedding officiant perform legal wedding ceremonies. Licensed Before hiring an officiant, verify the officiant’s license. Nevada Minister Search...
Getting a Marriage License in Las Vegas
In order to get married in the state of Nevada, you will need a Nevada Marriage License prior to your wedding date. To obtain a license, both parties must complete an online application here (https://clerk.clarkcountynv.gov/AcclaimClerkPreApp/Home/Index). Then appear...
Vow Renewals in Las Vegas
Thinking about renewing your vows? Consider having a recommitment ceremony. A marriage renewal ceremony is a great way to revisit why you got married in the first place. As well as celebrating your successes. And committing to new relationship goals. The majority of...
Unique Wedding Traditions in Las Vegas
Getting married in Las Vegas? You might consider incorporating one of these Vegas-style traditions into your ceremony. Shot of Vodka Ritual Fill two shot glasses, half full of your favorite spirit (vodka, run, gin, or whisky). Each person first sips from their own...
Lucky Wedding Days of the Week
Looking to start your marriage on the right foot? Here are tips on selecting a wedding date. Mondays and Fridays are the days of love. Hence, the luckiest wedding days! Mondays Monday is an idea wedding day for couples seeking everlasting love, friendship, frequent...
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